Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Fun of Wal-Mart Bags

I thought I understood missionary kids pretty well; apparently I was wrong.  A friend of ours, Noel, Jim's teaching partner for his first two years at Dakar Academy is now teaching at a Christian school in Texas.  Her students made Jim's students Christmas stockings and packed them with very thoughful gifts - candy, small toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. (We can actually get toothbrushes and toothpaste here, but it was so nice of them to think of the kids.)  She sent them to someone who was going to bring them to Dakar before Christmas.  Since they weighed a little more than he expected, he left them in the US.

We paid the $45.65 to have them shipped to Dakar.  Well they got here last week, so we thought we would give them to the kids at the Valentine's Day party, you know, for Christmas on St. Valentine's Day!  Since there were several little things in each stocking I wrapped each one in a plastic Wal-Mart bag.  (You would have to be a missionary to understand why we brought Wal-Mart bags to Senegal.  Should I tell you that we save our Ziploc bags too?)  The kids were thrilled with their St. Valentine's Stockings, but the best gift of all; the Wal-Mart bags.  They wanted their pictures taken holding them and enjoyed pretending they were shopping at Wal-Mart.  We had a good laugh and assumed, wrongly, that they had had their fun and we would never see the bags again.

Two days later they were still bringing their bags to school.  After the party the boys went home and tied their Lego people to the bag handles, using the bags as parachutes.  I can't believe how much fun they have been having with them.  Now the other grades are going home telling their mothers they need plastic bags for their Lego people.  Moral of the story, don't send toys--just Wal-Mart bags!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Christmas in February

Today the students in Jim's fifth grade class received Christmas stockings and gifts along with their valentine's cards.  The Christmas gifts were sent from the States by a class in Texas that have become pen pals with Jim's students.  The delay in getting them here happened because of the difficulty in finding someone to bring them over here to Africa.  We couldn't, so eventually had someone mail them to us.

Here are some pics of their happy faces!






Bryan, JJ & Caleb



Evan, thrilled to get his gifts in a Wal-Mart bag!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dakar Academy Outreach

Dakar Academy students and staff were able to minister to over 8,500 people this past month on an outreach to Bikol, Senegal.  Thank you for praying as over 400 people indicated they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior!  Some milestones included 613 people treated and individually prayed for on the medical team.  Over 2,000 people were ministered to in VBS-type programs by the children's team.  The drama team presented to over 3,000 people.  Evening campaigns ministered to over 3,500 people.  The foundation team finished digging and pouring the foundation for a new church and made over 630 bricks by hand.  A roofing team finished the church that was started by our DA team on the November outreach.  We praise the Lord for how he used these students to spread His Word and love in Bikol and other villages in the area.

Line for Medical Clinic

Village women who cooked for the DA team

Making benches for a church building
Making bricks

Village huts next to a baobob tree

Digging the church foundation

Village children love to get their pictures taken

The women cooking for the DA team

Some of the crowd at the evening campaign

Mom with baby watching drama team

Village children watching the puppet show

Village crowd watching the puppet show

Women shelling peanuts while watching the puppet show

More village children

Beautiful baby

Young girls watching the drama team